Jules' Quote Picks

Cynthia Kersey has been writing about Unstoppable People for over a decade and found that living an unstoppable life always involves giving. People who give and are involved in a purpose that is greater than themselves are the happiest people and live the richest and most meaningful lives imaginable...

(Thank you Abang Zu for sharing this...)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jules ~ Younger days...

As I was clearing my boxes and drawers, I found some old stuff which, to this day, remain very dear to me...

...My Kindergarten Bunga Raya Graduation Scroll...

...A composition I had done in my 7th grade English class, with Mrs Jenkins, during my time at Reizenstein Middle School...

I had forgotten all about it, till today. It seems rather silly and funny now, but I suppose back then it meant a great deal to me. Hmmm, it's no wonder why I love Star Trek and The X Files... !


teeemkay said...

oh my God!! u know what? i still have the bunga raya diploma scroll too. my parents had it kinda glued on a frame and shellecked over it (there is a name for this technique but i forget. it starts with an "M"). anyway, haha, kinda cool kan? we were bachelors of rhyme - diploma holders at such a young age.

remember the biskut with the cream on top that we used to take at the kindy kitchen to while away the time waiting for uncle sungkai to come with the bus. kah kah kah... nice memories.

Jules said...

tess, kita memang so cool...! ha ha! bachelor of rhymes... mrs ismail and mrs johari pun memang cool la dulu kan? mrs ismail dah takde, i'm not so sure abt mrs johari tho. cool that your parents dah frame your scroll, i will go do mine soon. i don't think they make certs like that anymore; my kids' certs these days are the typical conqueror paper with gold trimming tu... kita jugak cool, ek? heh heh...

and sungkai? wonder whether he's still around... i know the cherry tree and the pondok rukun tetangga tu are long gone...these days, my kids go live our experience via "geng bas sekolah" on astro ceria, you shud try to catch that show some time, memang cool, really reminds me of our time in our bas sekolah! and the biskut icing tu, baru je tadi marrakesh bawak naik satu container, nak ngunyah depan ultraman on youtube...! dulu kita channel 1 and 2 je, in black n white plak tu, berapa jam je sehari. now, kids youtube...

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