Yes, it's the sugar rush from Nadhrah's cake and muffins! I'm still wide awake! No, it's not my kopi 'o', caffeine does not affect me that way... :)
Anyway, yes, the engagement. May I say that, apart from my uncle, whose wedding I helped organise some 20+ years ago in Seremban, this is the second man I know who is genuinely involved in his own engagement; it was just so sweet... :) Oh, how fortunate his fiancee is... :)
A lot of hope and faith, and doa, were put into this special engagement brownie; because it would have really broken my heart had I not been able to give this young man what he had envisioned to be on his hantaran tray. Alhamdulillah, I feel truly blessed, that I was able to fulfill his request. Thank you Faisal, for the opportunity and for your faith in Jules... :)
Whoa! Now Jules brownies dah tingkat2. I like the idea Jules. Who would have thought of making brownies that way. Only you, only you.
glad to entertain you and kids. Nanti datang lagi, i feed you with more sugar! kekeke
wiz, hehe... sometimes when certain ppl ask me to make sthg, sy tak boleh nak kata sy tak boleh buat. know wat i mean kan? this particular one was to fit a tray w a 23cm diamtr, n like i said, everything abt it was just so sweet, hati sy cair, no way i cud sy tak boleh buat. so, during times like this, alhamdulillah, He sheds light unto his being yg unskilled ni, n paves the way to creative improvisation. maka terhasillah sesuatu yg mampu menggembirakan semua, alhamdulillah... :)
nadhrah, lain kali u bagi i kek n muffin u yg sedap2 tu, i nak u makan skali ngan i! oh, lupa nak mention ur biscotti...dah nak luak dah balang u smlm! tapi best, ur biscotti tu i mmg suka...i nak minta u buat satu balang for me, not for me to mkt, but to eat myself! itu sure bos allow nye, hehe... :)
K.Julie! I saw the fudgy and it is soo gorgeous! Masa mula2 tgk.. macam K.Julie's work.. lepas tanye2 baru la tau.. hehe.. I'm glad that I spread the love of fudgylicious to all my frens n family. :)
hi lileen! yes, i really must thank you for sharing da luuuuurve all around, u, ur family n friends semuanya pun sgt sweet2 belaka :)... now nak tunggu ur turn je pulak ni, hehe
lovely brownie.... :D
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