Jules' Quote Picks

Cynthia Kersey has been writing about Unstoppable People for over a decade and found that living an unstoppable life always involves giving. People who give and are involved in a purpose that is greater than themselves are the happiest people and live the richest and most meaningful lives imaginable...

(Thank you Abang Zu for sharing this...)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

....Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim family, friends and patrons :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

JulesFudgyliciousness Brownie Bites and Chewies for Bridal Glam...

...delivered to Bridal Glam at the Lilies Room this morning...

...What's in the favour bags ~ Jules Brownie Bites and Chewies...

...Chewies for sampling, wrapped in foil and finished in papercup...

...Brownie Bites packed for Jules Casablanca canister, popular as wedding and party favours :)

Jules Chewies... I haven't quite finalised the actual packaging, but I'm planning to have each Chewie wrapped candy style in wax paper, then packed nicely in Jules latest canister with the houndstooth motif. I've obtained approval from my toughest critique, Esfahan, and this morning Bridal Glam and their guests will have a taste, not to mention Lee Kuen's very own sassy little girl. Then it's on to the lab for nutiritonal analysis and certification. Will update soon... :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

JulesFudgyliciousness with Bridal Glam @ Doubletree Kuala Lumpur, 14 November 2010

JulesFudgyliciousness Brownies will be with Bridal Glam at Doubletree Hotel Kuala Lumpur's weddings showcase, this Sunday 14 November 2010, to treat visitors at Bridal Glam's "Be A Natural Looking Bride" workshop. My latest Chewies shall also be making a delightful sampling :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jules' Latest... packaging for JulesChewies and other gift ideas...

Tadaaa! Here's the latest prototype of JulesChewies packaging, for a 10cm diametre x 6cm height cardboard canister.
The houndstooth motif is one of my all time favourites, alongside fishnet, argyle, lace and the basic polka dot. It brings me back to the heydays of the 50s-70s and to Vintage Dior. My mom once had a black and white Dior houndstooth scarf, that she would wear as a hairband on her omega shaped hairstyle. And when she wasn't using it, I would wrap it around myself and pretended I was supermodel of the year! Hehe... Anyway, I intend to produce JulesChewies in cinnamon (lavender), coffee (tan), mint (green), orange (tangerine) and oatmeal (blue)...

As with many Jules' products and packaging, eg JulesFudgyTins, JulesAddiction Tins & Boxes, JulesChewies would also make attractive doorgifts and favors, and the above are samples of how Jules could work for you, eg. favor for Baby Showers, Bridal Showers, Weddings. And always true to Jules' signature style, everything can be exclusively personalised... :)

As I was going along updating my designs, I realised that I have 2 major inclinations : one for bold black&whites, the other for vintage and rustic gold hues. So, to make things more streamlined, Jules designs will be categorised into 2 main groups :
Contemporary ~ for designs in hues of bold black&white with other colours
Classic ~ for designs in hues of gold, bronze and pastels

I hope to be able to make a sneak preview of JulesChewies, both the goodies and the canister, soon, hopefully this weekend, maybe starting with my Cinnamon and Coffee Chewies. Please stay tuned for updates.

Thank you all Jules family, friends and patrons for your very kind and continued support, and for keeping your faith in everything Jules :)

And thank you Tangerine, for always being so nice :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Deepavali!

Hi...I've tried very hard to meet my deadline of 31 October 2010 to reveal my latest JulesChewies, but it looks like I'll have to extend it to either mid or end November 2010.

Last week Esfahan and Damascus were down with tonsilitis and fever, while Marrakesh had bad cough. Then last weekend all were well again, until Monday. On Tuesday, Marrakesh suddenly came down with flu and very high fever. So, for the past week and days I have literally been a mommy koala... Yesterday when I took Esfahan to the Dutch Lady's Kid and School Milks Launch, it was with baby koala Marrakesh in hand... :) I do sincerely apologise for any orders I couldn't accept or any emails or requests I may have overlooked; if you have sent me email, pls also sms to alert me ya, especially if you've sent to my gmail.

So, hopefully I'll be able to show some new things soon ya...

Until then, here's wishing all Hindhu friends and patrons a very Happy Deepavali, may your celebrations be joyous and meaningful, be safe wherever you are...

To my dearest neighbour Megumi and family, we wish you a safe journey balik kampung, and thank you so much for your lovely loaf cake, mmmm sangat sedap, always my favourite :)

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