Jules' Quote Picks

Cynthia Kersey has been writing about Unstoppable People for over a decade and found that living an unstoppable life always involves giving. People who give and are involved in a purpose that is greater than themselves are the happiest people and live the richest and most meaningful lives imaginable...

(Thank you Abang Zu for sharing this...)

Friday, April 25, 2008

There are too many things...

...in my house now. I had borrowed my parents' barbecue set for Damascus's birthday party recently, and now I'm stuck with it, coz my parents say that I'd have more use for it than they do. Yeah, but their kitchen is about 3 times the size of mine, so the pit had had a cozy little spot there. My kitchen is nice, well, I think it's nice, I love it, but it's just not as spacious as my mom's. So... I could just leave the pit in my front porch, and cover it up a bit with an attractive all weather covering... Hmm... will try that.

Then there are also the inflatable pool and the hundreds pieces of balls, which also had had a comfortable spot in my parents' store room below their staircase. My store room under the staircase needs some serious clearing if they were to fit in there. Hmm... will work on that too. For now, I'll just dump the pool and the balls atop my boys' loft bed which is now empty coz all 3 of them rumble on the mattress below. My Cat in the hat had no problem sleeping on the 5+feet high loft. But with Thing1 and Thing2 now in the picture, there's the risk of them racing up the loft ladder and, well, just simply jumping or flying down, coz "weeeeheeeeee!!! this is fuuuuunnnnnn!!!!!!".............So, that's why I removed the ladder and placed the mattress on the floor beneath the loft. They've been okay there so far, all 3 of them, they enjoy each other's proximity at night, helps them sleep... but I think they will soon outgrow it. Coz every night when I pass Thing2 his bottle, the 3 goons look like they've just tumbled out of a hurricane or the washing machine, and most often Thing1 would have his legs well on top of the Cat's head. So, soon I will have to do something about that too...

Geez... there's suddenly all these things to figure out...

At the moment I'll clear up the things from the birthday party first, mainly it's just the deco stuff. Ah, and there's the matter of all those presents... AAAAA!!!! New toys! These will add up to the existing 6 baskets full of toys in the upstairs living which has now become the boys' den. I guess it'll be another round of clearing and giving away. I normally give away to the red crescent shop or to a children's home. We'll see how things go at the end of the cleanup...

Guess we all know what I'll be doing this weekend...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The monsters are down

Aahhh...peace...and quiet...and a lot of mess to cleanup! So I call my kids monsters and goons and terrors... But these three wonderful creatures bestowed unto me by the Divine Power are the only true treasures of my life. When people say my sons are adorable, I'd say, yeah, well, they're okay, not too bad, other kids are cute too. But deep down inside, every mother would feel ever so proud with such pleasing remarks about their kids. Right? Sure I'm right...

All three are in bed now, a little bit past their usual bedtime, coz I just had to catch David Cook at the closing of tonight's AI. Heh heh... So, when I finally tucked them in at 9pm just now, they fell immediately into zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

I hope my boys will grow up with some bit of artistic talent. Esfahan is taking piano lessons, and the three brothers' favourite happy tune now is Saiful Apek's "Aspalela" and Dewa's Dewi! Oh yes, Damascus has also been going around ranting "mama mama tolong, mama mama tolong"!... Haaa, yes, these are the things that heal my soul.....

Darling husband is out, moonlighting, good moonlighting, so I'm peacefully enjoying my coffee as I write. And watching Ghost Whisperer...I'm recording CSI, so I'll watch that with the man later.

I'm a bit free this next day or two, until clients feedback on my writing, then back to deadlines. I've another deadline, for my gift, that's due in June. Well, for now I'm free.

My parents are in Kelantan visiting my great grand aunt who's been a bit down lately. She's 86. I'd want to be there now too, but I can't find anyone to help care for the boys while I'm gone. I have help during the day, but at night it's just me and the boys, and that includes darling husband... If he had to leave for an outstation or overseas job, me alone at home with the 3 monsters for several days is never a problem. But him alone with the boys, for even one night is unthinkable. Well, that's the reality of things...we women do it better...heh heh...

About my great grand aunt, well, what's most important is I've loved her well. I hope to still find time to visit her soon, but even if I don't, it's okay...I have peace, whatever happens. And she's a wonderful woman who's loved well herself, so, she'll be okay too...

My back still hurts...

...from standing all day in my crocs wedges with thing2 clinging on to me like a koala. For some reason he just refused to be put down. This was during thing1's birthday party last Sunday. That was 3 days ago and my back still hurts. Age, I guess. But the doctor confirms that it's not bone or disc related (phewh!), so I'm gonna try some good old fashioned urut to do the works. And, maybe some core workouts...heh heh...like that's gonna happen soon! My yoga instructor sister would bow to that!

Yup, it's still twitching and stinging. It may sound trivial, but try picking up a 15kg 1+year old in this condition. Hurts. Am gonna down the muscle relaxant the doc prescribed this morning and keep it low key till my favourite urut lady comes tomorrow.

My 3 goons seem to be carrying on diplomatically in playland now, so it should be okay. I should have a good hour before the peace turns to war.....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hello all, Jules is here...

Hmm...finally, I have a blog! It's something I've been putting off for some time now. God knows why, I don't know, it's just something that you procrastinate sometimes, I guess...you know? Anyway, tonight is the night. As I eagerly prepared myself for slumber after a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day with my very own "cat in the hat", "thing 1" and "thing 2", with mike scofield desperately going after the millions which he horrifyingly discovers may no longer be there, my husband dumps my laptop in my face and tells me to "START MY BLOG NOW!" And he plops next to me in bed and starts opening this and that, and asking me this and that, then typing this and that...and voilah! Here's my blog!

Phewh...now that's a lengthy one for a start huh? Well, I can be lengthy, and wordy, but I believe that I'm FUN lengthy and wordy...heh heh....

So... I just recovered from the exhaustion of organising my thing1's 3rd birthday party. Oh, by the way, here's a little background : My eldest hunk, Esfahan (born 16/11/01) is nicknamed "cat in the hat", for reasons those who are familiar with dr seuss's work would know. And the same goes for my 2nd boy, Damascus (born 15/04/05), nicknamed "thing1", and my 3rd son, Marrakesh (born 25/08/06), nicknamed "thing2". Yup, I have 3 horrifyingly gorgeous boys, who are the loves of my life. Only I, by virtue of having carried each one of them for 40 weeks, endured circa 5hrs drugfree labour, drugfree normal birth, and the worst, having been a horrifying circa 100kgs during each pregnancy! So, for all those...challenges...that I had to put up with... again, the worst having to lose all those kgs post delivery, I and only I have the privilege of calling my 3 gorgeous tesoros whatever nicknames I deem fit, and adoring. Only I can scream and yell at them, and only I will wakeup 4-5 times at night, every night for bottle feeds, for at least 2 years of each of their lives...yup, 2 years, so, all in all about 6 years lack of sleep. And I will rush to their side to comfort them when they have bad dreams, and lose sleep over fever, asthma attacks, and all those things. Of course, the father makes the effort to help, every time. But during the bad and sad times, the boys look for mommy. Ayah is for fun, play time!

I'm a stay at home mom. I used to work, when I had Esfahan I was still working. Then, my darling husband convinced me to leave my job that was beginning to cause me serious misery and pain, and to start doing the thing, or things, that I was passionate about. So, I quit. And I started to focus on doing my Gifts. Yup, gifts (along with procreating thing1 and thing2, heh heh). Mainly I do concept gifts. Meaning, I create a concept and plan the design and contents of the gifts based on the concept. And I tailor my gifts specially as per my client's/s' needs. So, I don't really do all those things that you would see in catalogues or stuff. When there's a request, I create. Or, when I've created on inspiration, I present and propose, and if it sells, I'm HAPPY! That's my passion. I won't be happy if I have to do something like what's already out there, but you know, sometimes I just have to because that's what's required. And my gifts come with their own tailored copy. Yeah, if you hadn't caught on yet, I write too. I also loooooove organising events and I dream of starting a urban-wellness-lifestyle cafe.

I have a timeline. When I turn 40, by which time cat in the hat would be 9, thing1 5, and thing2 4, in which case they would be securely independent and more vocal, I would already have a strong base in terms of growing my business, be it my gifts, my writing, my events and my cafe.

Ahah!...thing2 just began to whine for his 2nd feed for the night. 250ml of Dumex Dugro 1-3. Without fail, 4 bottles of 250ml every night. So, my story ends here tonight my good people. I think I shall then succumb to slumber, as the rain outside promises a pleasant and deep rest that my body yearns for... Hmph... but darling husband just turned on Entourage, that'll go on for at least 2 more hours... and 2 more feeds for thing2... Sigh... Well, till later...

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