Jules' Quote Picks

Cynthia Kersey has been writing about Unstoppable People for over a decade and found that living an unstoppable life always involves giving. People who give and are involved in a purpose that is greater than themselves are the happiest people and live the richest and most meaningful lives imaginable...

(Thank you Abang Zu for sharing this...)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jules Fudgyliciousness Diversified...

...with strawberry gummies for a little cutie's birthday...

...a very special request from Heska, for her darling mom's birthday, the queen of everyone's hearts...

...two hearts entwined... in celebration of 37 wonderful years of marriage...

I'm still working on a special presentation of my fudgies for Raya; looks like I'll be stretching the timeline somewhat, with many more urgent deadlines in between. Please have patience and please do bear with me... I'm trying my level best to offer you the very best! :) :) :).....

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